When are the Players Released on Face Off ? May 21, 2018 Rule 4 0 Forum Questions Face off occurs. No possession. Ball gets pushed into the alley -crosses the top of the box if you extended it to the sideline. Ball is now between the sideline and the side of the box. Do you call "possession" when it crosses the imaginary line of the top of the box to the sideline or do you wait until someone actually takes possession of the ball ? Question File Add new DuBan's Answer: Visual Text Kratz's Answer: Visual Text McCarrick's Answer: Visual Text I personally yell "play" and wind my arm. Riti's Answer: Visual Text Agree with Paul and everyone else. Tyma's Answer: Visual Text Agree with Rick. To answer the specific question, you call "play" when the ball crosses the restraining line, which runs the entire width of the field. 4.3.2: "The faceoff is considered to have ended when the ball crosses the defensive-area line..." 1.2.4: "Defensive area lines shall be parallel to the end line and marked on each side of the field 20 yards from the goal line and extend from sideline to sideline..." Answer File Question Answered Yes No