Substitution regarding Goalies May 3, 2019 World Games 2014 0 Forum Questions Can you outline the process we should all be following when it comes to a team needing to substitute for their Goaltender on... A) a penalty on the Goalie or B) an injury to the Goalie. HS officials should not employ the Jr. practice of allowing a Goalie who commits a penalty to remain in the game simply because it saves time or the coach says he doesn't have a properly dressed back-up. How much time do they get to suit up a replacement (if they don't have a back-up) & how much time do they get to warm him up? When is a Time-out required? Question File Add new DuBan's Answer: Visual Text Kratz's Answer: Visual Text McCarrick's Answer: Visual Text Riti's Answer: Visual Text Chuck has this thoroughly covered. Tyma's Answer: Visual Text Answer File Question Answered Yes No