Stick Exchange April 5, 2022 World Games 2014 0 Forum Questions (PREFACE: I submitted this question during Meeting #2, so I am re-submitting it here so I don't forget). During a stick exchange, does the player have to come completely off the field? (I thought I saw or heard something about this somewhere, but do not see any reference to this in the rulebook). Question File Add new DuBan's Answer: Visual Text The player does not need to come off the field to exchange a crosse. The coach can hand it to him from the bench area or even go into the substitution box to give it to the player if he is confined to the opposite side of the mid-line. Players on the field can also exchange crosses during live play - EXCEPT if the ball is in either of the crosses at the time of the exchange (See Rule 6-5 Ar. 2-b-4) Kratz's Answer: Visual Text McCarrick's Answer: Visual Text Riti's Answer: Visual Text Tyma's Answer: Visual Text A player does not need to come off the field to exchange a crosse. However, the exchange must conform to the following requirements: <ol> <li>A player may not throw his crosse to the bench area, nor may any bench personnel throw the replacement crosse to him. (6.5.2.b.1)</li> <li>Neither crosse being exchanged may have the ball in it. (6.5.2.b.4)</li> <li>A player on the field may not have two crosses in his hands at the same time -- he must give up one before accepting the other. (6.5.1 Situation)</li> <li>A coach is allowed to enter the substitution box in order to exchange a crosse with a player in the opposite half of the field. Once the exchange has been completed, he must return immediately to the coaches' area. (6.6.3.b(1))</li> </ol> Answer File Question Answered Yes No