Rules question April 5, 2022 World Games 2014 0 Forum Questions Player A cross checks. Flag down. Team B scores. Player A receives a conduct foul (not unsportsmanlike). The official assessed him a 30 second penalty for the conduct in addition to the 1 minute cross check. I think no penalty time for the conduct but Team B gets the ball due to the technical foul. Player A should only serve a minute in the box for the cross check. Question File Add new DuBan's Answer: Visual Text Kratz's Answer: Visual Text McCarrick's Answer: Visual Text Sequence of whistles are important to the adjudication of this foul. (i.e. live ball vs. dead ball) If both the cross-check and the conduct foul are before the goal (ie before the whistle which would make it a dead ball) then you would only have a cross-check penalty and begin with a face-off as the conduct foul would be wiped out by the goal. If you have a flag down, slow whistle for the cross check, then a goal is scored (thus creating a dead ball), and then subsequently the conduct foul occurs, you would be correct in assessing the cross-check foul and a dead ball technical foul (which because neither team has possession or is entitled to possession as a face-off was pending) results in a non-time serving foul and the officials awarding possession to the offended team. Rule 6 Sec 1 Art 1 Rule 7 Sec 9 Art 1 &2 Riti's Answer: Visual Text Tyma's Answer: Visual Text Answer File Question Answered Yes No