Re-Starts April 1, 2021 World Games 2014 0 Forum Questions Correct me if I am wrong : a team getting the ball on a re-start must come to a complete stop before the whistle is blown-no running starts. If you check the first video from meeting 1 the D-man pushes the white player from the rear on a loose ball. The white player then picks up the ball running while the official blows his whistle ! The D-man is then penalized for delay of game for not being 5 yards away before making contact. I say the official is wrong for not stopping the white player before blowing it in. You concentrated on the D-man and his actions while missing the initial infraction by the offense which resulted in a penalty. Question File Add new DuBan's Answer: Visual Text Controlling restarts is one of the simplest ways that officials can keep a handle on gameplay. We should not allow players coming in from out of bounds either on the sideline or the endline a running start. That allows the offensive player to gain an advantage over a stationary defensive player who has set up legally 5-yards away. However, we are generally OK on that same type of restart with a "rolling stop" where the player very much slows his momentum, allowing the defensive player the ability to not get run past. In the situation you're describing (an on-field restart) the offensive player didn't make a break for the goal and travel a long distance before the official had a chance to blow his whistle. The player picking up the ball and strolling with it laterally happened very close to when the official restarted the play. Remember, the onus is on the defender to create the 5-yards of separation. There was no need for him to even have picked up the ball in the video you're discussing. Had he simply dropped into the hole and created his 5 yard buffer, there would have been no issue. No issue with the restart and onus to the defender to create the legal situation. Kratz's Answer: Visual Text McCarrick's Answer: Visual Text Riti's Answer: Visual Text Tyma's Answer: Visual Text Answer File Question Answered Yes No