RE-STARTS ! March 4, 2020 Rule 4, Technical Fouls 0 Forum Questions Lets clear up the new re-start ! It wasn't so concise at the meeting. 1) Do we still tell the D-man to give 5 yards before blowing in? Or do we just blow it in and wait and see what happens if the D-man interferes ? 2) What exactly is interference ? For example : D-man within 5 yds, not in the path to the goal but fakes a body or stick check ( not making contact) as the inbounder runs by causing him to slightly veer away. Or this : D-man within 5 yards and inbounder runs by him and the offensive man causes contact within the 5 yds start . Or this : D-man is behind the inbounder as the whistle blows and follows offensive man closely behind but does not make contact until the 5 yards is passed ? 3) Quick re-start but a fellow offensive man is within 5 yards. Do you tell him to move or say nothing ? 4) Quick re-start in crease, D-man is right there at the edge. Do you say anything like in the past or wait and see what happens ? 5) D-man gives 5 yards on a re-start but his long stick is well within the 5 yds as he is trying to block a possible pass. Do you blow it in ? What happens if the long stick blocks the pass but the feet of the D-man are outside 5 yards ? Question File Add new DuBan's Answer: Visual Text Kratz's Answer: Visual Text McCarrick's Answer: Visual Text Riti's Answer: Visual Text Tyma's Answer: Visual Text Chuck's answer is good. The only thing I would add is to answer the direct question, "What is interference?" Under Rule 6: SECTION 7 INTERFERENCE: A player shall not interfere in any manner with the free movement of an opponent, except when that opponent has possession of the ball, the ball is in flight and within 5 yards of the players, or both players are within 5 yards of a loose ball. It is further clarified, via AR, that contact is required in order for there to be interference: 6.7 SITUATION C: A1 runs interference for A2, who has possession of the ball. A1 runs toward B2, who is playing A2, but does not establish contact with B2. Is this interference? RULING: No. Thus, in both examples of the questioner's part (2), there couldn't possibly be interference because there has been no contact. Finally, there is the idea that delay of game due to violation of the 5-yard requirement on a restart takes precedence over other technical fouls, even goalie interference. To quite the Glock from the BRI meeting: "Delay of game for a riding player contacting the goalie's stick on the goalie's pass out of the crease on a restart and goalie interference for the same action is not a thing." Thus, by implication, interference would not be a concern in the situations described in part (2) of the question even if contact had been made once the ball was away: the call would be delay. Answer File Question Answered Yes No