Over and back – by the Defense ! May 2, 2019 World Games 2014 0 Forum Questions "A" brings ball over midfield and enters the box. Ball becomes loose and without possession "B" knocks the ball across the aforementioned midfield line. "A" picks it up in their defensive side of the field. Does "A" have 20 seconds and then a 10 or is there no count at this point ? What happens if "A" calls time out once they pick it up in their defensive side of the field ? Do they have the 20 and 10 on the re-start ? Please explain ! Question File Add new DuBan's Answer: Visual Text Kratz's Answer: Visual Text Since B deflected the ball over there will be no over and back. In both scenarios A will have a new count. McCarrick's Answer: Visual Text <blockquote> </blockquote> Riti's Answer: Visual Text Tyma's Answer: Visual Text Answer File Question Answered Yes No