Followup to recent Re-Start Questions March 7, 2020 World Games 2014 0 Forum Questions Very good questions about scenarios on the Re-Start but let me take it further : -both A and B go diving to the ground to be the closest to the ball going out of bounds. "A" is closer and and gets up a is ready to re-start. "B" is still on the ground directly in the path of the goal and is within 5 yards. What to do ? Blow it in ? -A is ready for re-start but teammate is OOB within 5 yards. What do you do ? -in conclusion : if the D-man is within 5 yards at the re-start and in any way interferes it is a Delay of Game 30 second penalty. Correct ? Question File Add new DuBan's Answer: Visual Text Let's tackle these in order: <ul> <li>If there is a way to dead-ball officiate around this before the offensive player gets up and gets the ball, then do it. If the player has the ball, is entitled to a restart and is ready to your satisfaction (AKA not sprinting in from out of bounds), then restart. Delay of game rules apply if there is active engagement by the defender.</li> <li>In ALL circumstances, if there are teammates within 5 yards of each other, DO NOT restart. Separate them and identify the ball for the goalie.</li> <li>Your statement is correct. If you have less than 5 yards and active engagement by the defender, then you have a foul.</li> </ul> Kratz's Answer: Visual Text McCarrick's Answer: Visual Text Riti's Answer: Visual Text Tyma's Answer: Visual Text Answer File Question Answered Yes No