broken stick May 2, 2021 World Games 2014 0 Forum Questions Does our rule book specify the action a player needs to take when a stick is broken, either live or dead ball ? I let a player run to bench with a broken stick during an end line stoppage, coach was strongly questioning my action. Of course, during live ball I would shout to drop it. Question File Add new DuBan's Answer: Visual Text Kratz's Answer: Visual Text McCarrick's Answer: Visual Text Riti's Answer: Visual Text Tyma's Answer: Visual Text What is required depends on whose crosse breaks and where the broken pieces end up. The rules give a player who is not a goalie the option to take the broken crosse to the bench for a replacement or to substitute out, or to drop it and go to the bench for replacement or to substitute out: The relevant rule: <strong>6.5.2 SITUATION K</strong>: <em>A1, with possession of the ball in his attack half of the field, is checked by B1, whose crosse breaks. A1 continues toward goal and shoots, scoring a goal. RULING: Legal goal. If B1 pursues A1, slow-whistle technique and flag is dropped. If B1’s play creates a potentially dangerous injury situation, play is stopped and technical foul is called against B1. Once B1 breaks his crosse, he shall either get a new crosse from the bench or table area or substitute out of the game. He may carry the broken crosse off the field or leave it on the field, but the officials will stop play immediately if they feel either creates a dangerous situation. There is no penalty assessed unless B1 participates in the play in some manner.</em> It should be noted that an offensive player who reaches into the crease to fetch his broken crosse is in the crease when his gloves touch the ground. It would be a good idea in such a case for officials to direct the player to leave the crosse in the crease. On the other hand, if the broken crosse does fall into the crease, officials have discretion as to whether the broken crosse would interfere with the goalie's ability to defend the goal, and may suspend play immediately if they believe that to be the case. The relevant rule is: <strong>RULE 6 ART. 2</strong> . . . <em>The following are examples of illegal procedure:</em> <em>...</em> <em> b. Illegal actions with crosse – A player shall not: ... 2. Take part in the play of the game in any manner without his crosse...(b) If the crosse is in the crease so as to possibly interfere with the goalkeeper's play of an attempted shot at the goal, play shall be suspended immediately.</em> Finally, if it is the goalie's crosse that breaks, play must be suspended immediately, unless a shot is underway. Relevant rule: <strong>6.5.2 SITUATION D</strong>: <em>During the course of play, goalkeeper B1’s stick becomes broken or any other mandatory equipment becomes broken or dislodged. RULING: The officials will stop play as soon as they notice the problem, regardless of whether the goalkeeper is in or out of the crease. However, if a shot is already in flight when the equipment becomes broken or dislodged, the shot will be allowed to come to its normal conclusion before the whistle blows to stop play.</em> <strong>6.5.2 SITUATION E</strong>: <em>The goalkeeper's crosse becomes broken while the goalkeeper is within his goal crease. Should play be suspended? RULING: Yes, and award the ball to the same team that had possession when play was stopped, outside the defensive/goal area </em>[Ed. if necessary]<em>. If the ball is loose outside the crease, award by alternate possession. If the ball is loose inside the crease, award it to the defensive team.</em> Answer File Question Answered Yes No