2014 Election Candidates

2014 Election Candidates

Anthony Allen
Anthony Allen
I am ASKING FOR YOUR SUPPORT in my efforts to become “your” Executive Board Member with our association. I’ve been a member of NJILOA for 15+ years and have been officiating HS sports for 20+ years. In the past I’ve served on the NJILOA Cadet Training Program & Resolutions Committee. I feel my officiating experience, negotiation ability and willingness to do what is right for the many are my strongest assets. The NJILOA has come along way and I’d like to REPRESENT YOU in its continued growth. Our association is only as strong as its members. Therefore, I’m asking for your “VOTE”!!!! Thank You!

Brian Corcoran
Brian Corcoran

I have decided to run for office because I wish to contribute to the organization that has demonstrated its ability to be the fairest, most organized, technology progressive and the best officiating organization in New Jersey. Over the years, I have assisted in the Bergen County cadet class, annually, organized a pre test review meeting, participated in cadet clinics, and the resolution committee. Additionally, I have volunteered for the post season Jersey games, assigning and organizing fall and winter lacrosse leagues in Bergen County.

I am proud to be a thirteen year member of the NJILOA. Each year I have been impressed that our executive board members devote considerable time and effort to making our organization the best. I wish to be part of that effort.

My personal efforts will be to help in any area the board asks and try to bring greater integration between northern and southern members. Ultimately, I will commit to hearing the issues and questions that our members believe are potential improvements for the overall organization. Hopefully, I can be a positive addition to our board.

Ron Gunter
Ron Gunter

I have a master’s degree in business and have been in management position my whole career from military through today. I am a fairly new to organizations but believe in the commitments of the organization to improve lacrosse at all levels and continue to advance our organization to being the best in the nation. I will work hard for our organizations in every way needed.

Nick Kratz Jr.
Nick Kratz Jr.

I am 26 years old, have been officiating since 2006, and currently on the rules committee. I have also been around the game since birth. The game of lacrosse has been changing every year and as an association we need to start having younger officials becoming more involved in the decisions making process. If we do not start this now the future of our association can not improve and grow like it should be. I will bring different and new view points/ ideas to the table to improve and strengthen our association. I would greatly appreciate your consideration for your vote.

Hogan Lam
Hogan Lam.

I have been an active member of the NJILOA for nine years and enjoyed my experience each and every year. I would like to take a more active role in our organization and would like your vote to become a new member of the Executive Committee.

I love the game of lacrosse! I grew up on Long Island and played lacrosse in high school and one year at Hofstra University. I coached my two sons in their junior lacrosse leagues when I moved to the Ridgewood, NJ back in the late 90s. I was introduced to becoming a lacrosse official by my in-town buddy and fella official Joe Reilly. Thank you Joe, becoming a lacrosse official has proven to be a great choice in my life.

Professionally, I am an IT professional for over 25 years. I am also currently serving as the secretary of the Board at the company I work for.

Elected or not, I am honored to have the opportunity to be considered. If elected, I am ready to help the organization in any way to meet their charter and to achieve their goals.

Michael Dean Lewis
Michael Dean Lewis

I would like to be on the NJILOA Board because I believe I can be a better representative than those currently on the Board to you guys, the NJSIAA, and USL. I’m only a physics high school/college teacher (day time/internet job) and just been an official since 2005 but know that we can do better with improving our relations with high schools and with you, my fellow officials. You can look me up on Google, ‘Michael Dean Lewis’ if you want to find out what else I do if you have doubts as to my personal and/or professional life.

You will find in me a person who will respond to your concerns without the coercive negativity demonstrated by’ no replies to e-mails or calls’, or a ‘shut it down’ attitude whenever a problem occurs, or a blatant lack of financial accountability. Also, I know the rules pretty good too.

I will be that voice for you when you’re not listened to within our organization. Your choice…

Jim Livingstone
Jim Livingstone

We are a growing organization in many aspects. Too many to mention here and i would be out of line to say that I have all the answers. I make no promises except that I will work with and listen to all of your complaints and suggestions. Able to work with the board and you, the membership, is really the bottom line here.

Being involved with the training program has shown me that we have many good people coming to us. It is important that we continue to grow with these officials and that we have the right people in place to make the hard decisions in the years ahead for the best of our organization.

My schedule permits me the time and energy to do so! Hey- I may not be the fastest up and down the field but I can be brutally honest in what is best for the NJLOA and you in the years ahead!

Rob Milideo
Rob Milideo

I have been a member of the NJILOA for 8 years. The last 2 years I have been an instructor for the 3-5 year official’s clinic in South Jersey. I currently serve on the Professionalism and Conduct Committee.

I have been associated with other officials groups for other sports in the past. The NJILOA is second to no other group. I try to present myself in a professional and positive manner whenever I represent this organization.

I feel I have the attributes to help the NJILOA continue to grow in the positive direction we are accustomed to. I am asking for your support to be elected to a 3 year term.

Bruce Nocar
Bruce Nocar

I am in my 15th year with this organization, and feel the time is overdue to make a contribution. If my fellow officials feel I can do the job, I would be pleased and proud to serve on the board.

Nick Tropiano
Nick Tropiano

I joined the Organization in 1982. I was a former board member under John Gorman and a past-President from 1994-1996. I taught the cadet class from 1990 – 2009. I am also one of the Founding Fathers of our Constitution.

I investigate insurance fraud so I can investigate matters concerning the Organization. Capable of multitasking.

Dedicated to the Organization and to officiating the game of lacrosse.

The rest is up to you now.